Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Sperm Joose

Marigold, or one of them other juice brands
has got a new juice out
It's called "Apple n Aloe"
I know, you're thinking whit the flick?
But surprisingly, to the benefit of those of us adventurous ones who dare try it,
its pretty darn good.
chewy, spermy, jelly-like transparent bits
great with vodka or rum
Tastes a whole lot better than sperm fer sure!
and no, I am not their new spokesperson


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

Hey Rom. Aint this the shizzat we drinkin at Nets?

Is it is, thanks Ja for that little insight on its resemblance to chewy-spermy bits.

Rom, please start taking it off the shelf...

Cee said...

yummmmmmmmie, it's absolutely great. that tall-thin-donkey i dated a few months ago ;) , picked it up by mistake at 7-11 (drunk of course), i tried it when we got home, i thought it had gone BAD! until checked the carton, and yes u are sooooo right, it's great.

Anonymous said...

yes jobe it's the same shit that we drink while beating the crap out of hamburgers.

notice why we don't have much of a life.