Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A Secret Confession

For the past 3 days, I have been secretly running down to 7-11 @ 4 pm,
for what I tell myself is my 'afternoon treat'.
A gentle, persuasive nudge to help me through the next 0ne hour and forty-five minutes before clock out.
One Bag of Nacho Cheesier Doritos
An Iced-Milo or Mango Yoghurt Drink
Bad Aja! , Bad Aja!(so spank me already...)
Today, Aaron, caught me.
"Why never offer?" Sez he
"One bag so little only wor..." Sez I, trying to subtly hide bad behind my back
"Gimme!" Sez he, lunging forth and grabbing it from my grasp.
He stuffed his faced (mmm..not bad huh) and proceeded to go down and buy more.
And thus I created a Monster. Another Dorito Monster, like me.
Yes, yes I hate junk food, but sometimes one must make exceptions.


Anonymous said...

i DID NOT stuff my FACE!
I merely plucked it gingerly from her steel-like grasp as she whimpered..."..but..but...there is only like...10 pieces..."
So there! go buy some more...

the Salsa one is just 2die4!

Eaglet said...


Eaglet said...

When I was a kid, they only sold the big bags of Doritos, and they cost like 10RM (hey when you're 8, thats aLOT of money okay) so I used to save a cut from my allowance, and buy one bag each week, then I kept it under my bed in an airtight jar and eat about 5 pieces everynight.....