Monday, April 18, 2005

Clothes! Bah Who Needs Them?

We had the 'Nakedness' (refer to Gayle's blog) convo.
" Do a lot of people walk around naked in their homes, and on their balconies?" asks the Boss
"Well I do," sez I
" All the time?"
"Of course! I hate clothes!"
At which point his eyes pop out and roll across the table into my soup.
Gayle and I love terrorising our Bosses. They go to sleep muttering
" Remind me never to hire girls again....."


Gaylebait said...

There should be a "Be Naked On Your Balcony" day!

Everywhere in the world, at a certain time on a certain day... everyone should make an appearance on their balconies fully attired in their own skin!

Anonymous said...

can't do that anymore. housemate would just flip >.<

Shirl said...

Gayle! Like that idea.. what about we fix a day and we all stand at the balcony.. with Virginial Slims..... (hmmmmmm - could work)

Rand0m said...

please post addresses as well as date and time.
I will now quote aaron's "just lemme bring a camera" line.