Monday, April 25, 2005

O.D-ing on the Valley

As much as I enjoyed the partying-scene,

The company of great friends and ear-suckling-artists,

The 4 hour lunches,

Talking cock and about cock,

Being the solid rock for those who pretended-to-have-their-drink-spiked-but-are-actually-just-lightweight to lean on

Perving at beautiful men who are either married or gay or both

And late night suppers in back alleys that consist of porridge, pickles and intestines

I ‘ve had enough!

No more KL, for awhile at least (=

Thanks though you guys know I love you long long deep deep * something something in Thai.....* Right?

Calculations from Wednesday to Sunday(5 days) go like this,Out of a total of 120 hours:

20 hours spent sleeping

19 hours working

17 hours travelling to and from KL

16 hours on long lunches (some that led to dinner)

10 hours clubbing

4.5 hours on suppers

and 33.5 hours getting ready, watching tv while waiting for others to get ready, and travelling to chosen venues

You read also you tired right?

Mondays suck superbigtime man!

All I want to do is skive, beach myself on the sand or by the pool and have the breeze blow my hair theatrically back while the sun shines on me , making me *glow* asthough I am part of a music video.

Yeah you have a good Monday.Bah!

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