Saturday, January 27, 2007

Scissor Sisters

9am, I open one eye,
close it.

9.03 am, open the other eye,
close it.

Do you really really really want to
get out of your snug, warm bed and
drag yourself across town to exercise?

This time, the devil within doesn't win
I get up, make coffee
get dressed and go.

Class is fast-paced, serious
hard-to catch up but worth the struggle
I walk back to the car after, having signed for another on
find I have a parking ticket, my first parking ticket
30 freaking pounds.

I get home, Dadman and YM are in the study,
I am more afraid of NMTP
but why? I will pay anyway...
I affect the tone YM uses when he's done
something wrong or wants something

Dadman turns, big sigh "Oh, what is it?"
"Ermmm, I got a parking ticket," I whisper

"Oh, its only your first! But you're

just getting so high maintenance nowadays!"

"Only my first? You meant the other au pairs..?"


"Good, I don't feel so bad now."

"Take it down to NMTP and grovel, its her
car, under her name."

Oooh scary. But NMTP is good, makes me
a mushroom omelette and gasps
"Did you cut your hair?"

"Erm, yes, last night, I was bored!" I turn and show them
"Is it straight?"

"Oh Aja!" chorus Dadman and NMTP

Later, NMTP fetches the scissors and straightens it.
Mothers! All the same!


Julsgp said...

show pic of new haircut?!?!?

Eaglet said...

Same lah my hair, if you havent seen me lately cat tell the difference. its just a bob. Hows DK?