Friday, January 26, 2007

The Root

I discovered the root of all my 'health' talk recently
when I went to the bathroom and was greeted by..
well you don't really want all the bloody details do you?

Suffice to say, PMS had gotten me good.

But being on a healthkick always has its upsides,
you look better naked, your heart won't give out in old age
your complexion is rosy..stuff like that.

Though I use the term 'health kick' very loosely
means I rather than a three course meal at lunch I eat this

and rather than slather it with mayo or butter
I use mustard (yech)

And if I feel the need to snack
it's no longer pate on ryvita
its Special K with grapes and skim milk
(which is what we drink around here)
which actually seems pretty ironic
when we use duck fat and real butter
and have pate de foie de canard
and full-fat ice-cream and one hundred thousand boxes of chocolate
scattered all around the house.

I digress,
Anyway, it means I exercise more, and eat marginally less

yet it still makes me feel better about myself
but then, I can be a bit delusional sometimes, no?

However, I've been looking at fun ways of exercise
so yesterday, I went for a dance class
Three pound fifty, I paid

And felt really good about myself in the class
because here I was thinking I was plump and pasty
and hey..all around me..

So, we started, I was worried I'd have trouble keeping up
but things seemed to go fine
first 2 minutes, run through 1st quarter of steps
in Beyonce's Dejavu
next 2 minutes run through next quarter of steps
then repeat, we do the entire song through once
then break.

7 minutes into class, break!

2 minutes later we start again, same shit, different song
7 minutes later break

we do this again and break

we do one more prance across the room and we're done.

I am not even sweating or breathing heavily
or anything

I am throughly peeved
that I paid RM24 for one hour of arsing about!
I get more of a workout climbing up the stairs
at home wei!!

And at each and every break, the 2 girls beside me
kept talking about what they we're going
to eat and snack on and etc.

No wonder la 3 quarters of the population
are overweight!

Damn boh kam wan.
Trying another dance class tomorrow.
Getting a bicycle pump too.

(er, we already have a bike, in case you wonder
why just a pump.)

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