Monday, January 22, 2007

Over the Stile

Someone, spent the weekend in the country
someone, went to watch the
Merry Wives-The Musical
at Stratford upon Avon (Birthplace of Shakespeare)
starring Dame Judi Dence, among others

Someone, even had tea with her brother
then someone went walking the next morning in muddy fields shared
with curious sheep
climbing over stiles then returning home for
a sunday roast chicken with lots of crispy, buttery skin

then someone helped granpa burn his pictures onto a CD
(previously granpa's idea of 'burning photos' was
in the fireplace)
then we sat in the conservatory for lemon cakes
and tea while the radiant day gave way to rain and hail.

And now, someone is home
and wanting to tell and show you more,
but someone is sleepy
so you will have to wait for someone

May Monday serve you well.
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