Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I am cooking supper
Dadman is chatting to me while I cook, as he normally does.

Today the subject is Air Asia flying to London.

We have had a glass of white each.
"May I have another please?" I ask when I
drain the dregs of my glass
"Yes, but I am waiting for the next bottle to chill," says he

I spy a bottle of red on the kitchen counter,
2 inches left over from new year's
, and pour.

"I'm not alcoholic, it just needs to be finished" I say
to no one in particular.

"Yeah" Dadman says. I can hear the smirk in his voice
"You're not an alcoholic".
During and after dinner, we polish off another bottle.

Then I have pudding with some lethal brandy cream.

I think I might be drunk.

Bon nuit!


Anonymous said...

Do u get horny when you are high? I do

Eaglet said...

As if I am going to answer a personal question like that from an anonymous stranger person. Reveal yourself!