Thursday, July 21, 2005


I've been curious about the relationship and sexual culture here lately.
Virtually every male friend I know
has had the pleasure of my probing questions.
"Do you go down on your girlfriends?"

"Do you like it? Or do you do it because she goes down on you?"
Recently i heard not one but a few Asian women
say that Asian men don't go down on their women.
Now, either they are hanging around the wrong men
or I've been pretty damn lucky.
And so I asked oh, maybe 10 men.
and yes they head south
yes, they like it
it gives them pleasure to give pleasure
its a turn on and an ego trip
when she's gripping his hair,
keeping from screaming out.
and these are men,
born and bred here
no, they haven't been off studying or gallivanting
(okay maybe a few have)
in some distant country
absorbing Western culture,
just Sensitive New Asian Guys.
One comeback I kept getting after asking the questions
"But some women don't like it"
How strange is that?
Have you ever heard of a man not liking a blow job?
If anything I think those women are
self-concious about that part of their body
how it looks and smells
but hell, they should be proud
why deny themselves the pleasure?
In so many cultures, the vagina is such a beautiful thing
yet and so many others
it is a cause of humiliation, degradation.
Its not dirty, your vagina.
And its going to be there your whole life
so no point pretending its not a part of you.
embrace it.
I've always been more partial towards
Caucasian men
Simply because most of them
are bigger,taller and more masculine
have squarer jawlines
(very 'man' man)
than our own
and me, well I like the idea of being protected by a solid slab of man
But I've had my fair share of both
and our men aren't lacking
so don't knock em
it's not fair
cos there are so many great ones out there.


Unknown said...

Yes, yes, no and that's true, some don't. Especially the chick who pulled me up by the ears. *ouch*

Eaglet said...

hahaha thanks for the answers (=
pulled you by the ears?You're lucky she didnt clamp her thighs over your face and do some twisty-deathlock thing!

Eaglet said...

Yeah me fact I've never been with one who didn't liked it.Or is that like a man saying 'I've never been with a woman who faked it?'