Sunday, July 24, 2005

Grumpus Is Come

I'm leaning back in the speedboat
the wind whipping my hair about
making my face tingle
sea and sun are lulling me to sleep
the only thing out of place is the frown that
wrinkles my forehead.
Grumpus is come.
A few years ago
I read a short story
that a husband
wrote about the times his wife got grouchy, bitchy, grumpy
she became a completely different person
and he called that person Grumpus.
it ended up being pretty touching
and I relayed the story to my ex (then boyfriend)
who started using it on me.
"Grumpus you go away, no one wants you here" he would say
solemnly shaking his head
whenever Grumpus came out
making me laugh
I thought about how beautiful the day was
the sun, the sea, the company
Grumpus had no right to spoil it for me.
In my head I conjured a picture of my ex
"No Grumpus, you're bad. Give me back Lulu"
he says wagging his finger in my face.
And just like that, Grumpus went away.


Anonymous said...

It wasnt a few days ago....

Eaglet said...

Makes no sense, what wasnt a few days ago?