Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Oh what a glorious day!
The sun's a-shining..
the breeze a-blowing
the birds a-chirping
the sea a-gleaming
so little sleep
and a throat as hoarse as sandpaper
couldn't spoil it.
I even called
uncle Mo to tell him how beautiful it was out
but he didn't find it as exciting as I did :(
Then I went to pick up my momma
and we went to pick
curry up
from grandmomma
I tied my tupperware tighly in the plastic bag
humming a tune, all cheery
off we go.
you know what happened
My genius of a mother
had put her 2 loose tupperwares
full of curry
in an untied plastic bag
on the upholstered back seat
2 seconds, i swear 2 bloody seconds into the journey
the curry is making its new home
in the ridge-y, carpet-y, upholstery
Nia Mah Chau Hai!
Asking for trouble or not I ask you?
"What kind of idiot doesnt know how to tie up the plastic bag?"
I ask her, gesturing to my neatly tied bag
on the mat (not the seat).
Thats all I say.
My mouth is set in a grim line
and my irritation has surrounded my body
like an invisible cloak.
Bloody dawg.
nice mood, bright blue skies
Out of the window in less than 2 seconds.
The curry has kunyit in it okay
the car seat is cream.
We clean up a bit
with my MNG shirt.
Then we drive back to hers
in a silence so thick
you could have sliced up a serve.
I tell her curtly that she
had better help me clean up the mess
before my even more anal that I
comes back from Japan and skins me.
So together we work
my stepdad comes to help
and now we are left
with the faintest of stains
you can hardly tell!
Still in a huff
I drive off home
'Fuck it' I think
I'll have a self-proclaimed
this day is too good to waste
I dive into the pool
work my frustrations into the water
letting the stream of water
pummel my
achey neck and back.
and when I dry off
there's a text waiting:
"Aja, sorry and thanks"
mother says.
She never used to apologise. Ever.
Once again, the day is bright.

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