Thursday, July 14, 2005

Blue's Blue Balls (I Touched A Piss-Pot!!)

How weird that Peter's surgeon,
is Gary's father.
Blue was in agony yesterday.
Today he is slightly better.
Last night the nurse came in,
and demanded that he "pass urine!! "
then she told me I had better stay and help him
I was outta there like a shot.
It hurts for him to laugh
and somehow
more laughable things keep happening.
The look on my face
when I accidently hit the piss pot
hooked on the edge of the bed,
onto the floor
and realised that the only person
there to pick it up
was me:
priceless, I 'm sure.
"Its alright, I ll put my hand in a baggie"
I said, as he clutched his lower abdomen,
trying his damnest to halt the laughter
"Leave it, you won't even touch the door let alone the piss-pot"
But I did it.
I couldn't leave it you see,
the sight of it lying on the floor..
that would bug me too damn much.
P.s Peter and Blue?
Same person.

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