Friday, July 08, 2005

A Beautiful Day

This morning I woke up wet.

I mean,
my face was wet
thanks to the
beautiful brown eyed dog licking it.

You see, my ex has gone away
and I have temporarily moved into his home
so as to not leave the beautiful dog alone.

So up I got
and into the garden we wandered

Me in nothing but a green t-shirt and boxers
he in nothing but his shiny blonde coat

The blades of grass shone with dew
crisp and fresh beneath my bare feet
as I strolled up to the chilli tree
I gathered bundlefuls of ripe chillies
and when my hands were full
I used my t-shirt
as my carrying tool

I sat down on a patch of lawn
to do a spot of weeding
and my little dog lay against my shin
I marveled in the warmth of his chin

next, we picked sour-sweet limes from the tree
and snipped pandan leaves
to make lime-pandan tea

This garden,
brings forth such a bounty
yesterday, I sucked the seeds
of a creamy custard apple
the gooseberries are tart
as lemon snapple
the avocadoes are ripening
the flowers blooming
the birds chirp 'good morning'

Its nice to pretend
that all this belongs to me
for awhile at least.

when I leave for work
my dog looks at me
brown eyes beseeching

It breaks my heart
for I know, that all day long
he'll be there


Eaglet said...

didn't mean to make you swallow your nacho whole. Those things can scratch the delicate lining of your throat.

Gayle has gone.I no longer have a reason to live.


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said... all u have to do rigga-gah-goo-goo stuff is with capes right? poor thing...

u on msn? i could help by bothering you a bit :P i got time to kill here in segas since my office mail is taking eons to download...