Thursday, August 31, 2006

What Is Work?

Once in awhile, Bantum calls
he asks for an update of my life
to which I readily supply
and always, always, he says
"Are you really working or what? Sounds like you're on
one long holiday. I am so jealous."

I try, half-heartedly to argue, but how can I
when I really do feel as though it is?

Kids make me happy, cooking makes me happy
cleaning calms me down
and those are the so-called 'chores' in my job
but can I help it if I enjoy them?

Sure sometimes there's a stroppy teenager to deal with
or a mass of cat dump on the floor
but really, the good outweighs the bad, by far.

Or maybe, maybe I am just overly positive
as everyone keeps telling me.

In an email today, Chun said that
I am in my element, something about
glowing with life and radiating happiness.

Last week Bee said the same thing about the picture
of me, in Vanessa's lap.

The other day, Dadman said that he
gets the impression from me,
that Malaysians are generally a laid-back, happy-go-lucky culture
So I asked Bantum, "Is that how we are?"
His reply was,
"No its just you, you're like a cheerleader without the pom-poms"

I watched You, Me & Dupree yesterday
and listened to all of Dupree's shit about the
call of the mothership, and then it struck me,
all those nights I lay awake, wondering
what the hell I am doing with my life
wondering is its enough,
wondering if I am ever going to be more

But maybe this is my calling to the mothership
to be positive, when others aren't
to show that life can be lived to the utmost
easy on the stress, big on those heart-warming experiences.

hen I was much younger, I wanted to be rich
buy all the clothes, houses and holidays I wanted, whenever

But then as I grew older
I thought 'You know what?'
I don't need to be rich at all.

All I want is to touch others, each and every day
I want to be able to travel, cook and love
I have 3 goals

(1)A shelter for underpriviledged children
(2)A restaurant cum bar
(3)A happy family and a bunch of friends to stick with through
thick and thin.

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