Monday, August 14, 2006

Aja Is Alive

Hello peeps,
Yes yes I am alive.

After a sentimental last few days in Copenhagen
a crazy social whirl in London
I lugged/pushed/tugged/kicked two horrifyingly heavy
suitcases into Cardiff Central
where my new family stood smiling on the other side of the barrier.

We went marketing, laughed, ate
(something tells me I'll grow fat here if I really dont WATCH IT)
Then I went to sleep .

The next morning I woke
and pinched something putting on clothes
(you see, thats why people shouldn't bother with clothes!)
Spent the rest of the day in agony
or flying on painkillers
All I remember is that lunch
of roast chicken with crisp potatoes, parsnips, stuffing, gravy and breadsauce
was jolly good.

And today I am walking like an amah
so, no blogging yet.
Pain la. Then also, my laptop is not set up so I can't blog pictures
(no router yet)
so even if I do blog off the PC
where got fun leh?

Aja Ng, safe, alive and well in Cardiff.
Email for UK number.


Shimmers said...

u're in cardiff!! go meet leyna!

good to see u're "back"!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Cardiff. Shame the weather has been a bit more miserable. Hope you liking it so far.

One piece of advice Aja, avoid Greg's Bakery. All the cream cakes (and sausage rolls, etc but I'm more of a pudding person) are lovely but once you start on it (even the apple pies), you crave it more and you pile on the pounds!

Shimmers said...

leyna i know why u're telling aja this, it's because YOU want to eat it too!!!

right? *wink*

Anonymous said...

wotcher pinch? like a nerve? you're a bit young to have a bum back, aren't you? ;)

but i'm glad to see that you're blogging again! write you soon, i need stuff from UK! :D

Anonymous said...

hey auntie... good to know you are still alive and ticking...

Eaglet said...

Leyna: SO shall we meet up then? Tea at Greg's Bakery sounds superb!(= Wannanot wannanot? This weekend if my back gets better?

Shimmers: I know you want to come to lehhhh

J3: Did you get my text? you love me or not? yes a nerve. I'm in absolute me. gip me some lurvvvveee.

Vig: I feel very very auntie.

Shimmers said...

think of me when u have cream puffs...

Anonymous said...

Hmm strange...I posted yesterday but post disappeared/must not have made through properly.

Anyway Aja, wish I could say we'll meet this weekend but I'm away early tomorrow and won't be back till late Sunday. I could meet you other weekends (as far as I can remember, I don't have previous arrangements) or I can meet you after my working hours. Work finishes at 5-ish.

Also, unfortunately, Gregg's is not a sit down sorta cafe like Starbucks, etc but more of a 'take away' kind. Anyway email me at and we'll arrange a meet up soon - sorry I don't have your addy. Hope you are settling in well now and enjoying it.