Friday, August 04, 2006

I Promise I'm Happy!

Spring, your comment really struck a chord
I realise I have been and miserable
but I didn't realise it affected others so
(even those I don't know)

And so, since everything is okay now
and things somehow fall into place
I decided a spot of cam-whoring was needed
if only to prove that I am indeed

Marie and I met for our first and last
dinner here, Quote, a hip, classy restaurant-cum-bar-cum-cafe
on Kongens Nytorv

I'd a hankering for fresh fish,
since I hadn't tried any of the local fish since arriving
A whole baked plaice, with a simple lemon-butter glaze
creamy carrots,
Marie had a pepper encrusted steak
we shared a salad of goat's cheese, rucola, and juicy baked

A chardonnay, a rose

and then on to the popular Cafe Europa for mocha with Valrhona
and a strawberry pie, where we struck conversation
with the people next to us

Scene: Their food arrives, a mixed charcuterie platter,
a smoked salmon platter, a nicoise salad
Aja: Can I have some please? (no previous conversation)
Marie:*Widens eyes in shock at Aja*

Everyone laughs, Marie and Aja start speaking in
ghastly english accents

See? Happy enough to pose!
Apparently the fountain behind me (see link) is very popular
er, yeah, but you can't really see it
at all.
Too bad, I guess

Bottom left picture, squint, and you can see famous fountain
lick, and you can taste the strawberry pie

Marie is my first friend in Kobenhavn
She's sad I'm leaving, really, she is
She doesn't look it but she is
I mean, who wouldn't be right?
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Anonymous said...

I can't believe you did that! Pick food off a complete strangers table.

I've always wanted to do it. :p

Anonymous said...

glad to haf u back..

I was afraid u might lose ur readership scale.. hehe

Reading anything good, from a book to an article, to literature, to etc... affects ppl to a certain degree, though there isnt a clear line of connection between the reader and the writer.. and some ppl juz read blindly and some read with passion.. its all an art and a conundrum..

all the best again and i do exactly the same, steal from anothers plate.. :D with the excuse that good food shud be shared! :D

take care and be good.