Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Aja At 8

When I was 8 years old
I would be sent to bed each night, a young insomniac,

I'd lay in my mother's king-size all alone
terrified by my own overactive imagination
bawling my eyes out
with a hundred different ideas of
what would happen to me if my mother died
in the morning I would wake, and she would be there
safe, sound and cooking me maggi mee.

And now that innocence has lifted
where childhood myopia reduced me to creating
stories of my future
Life is now led as a grown-up
where fears plague each night, keeping one up
more realistic than those of my childhood
but no less terrifying
and no mommy cooking maggi mee to wake up to.

Horseballs I say.
Check it me mates.

Oh, did I mention London for a few days
before Wales?


Anonymous said...

"That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."

that's what i tell myself each time im faced with the unknown, or when the shit is about to hit the fan. :)

Eaglet said...

I know, I know, I just wish it didn't keep me up all night.