Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Not Amber

A song is stuck in my head

Ian used to sing it on the way to college
oh I remember those days, Ian and
I sang all the time
he also taught me how to drive my first manual car
(his grandmother's actually)
circling the deserted college carpark while we skipped english
311-Amber "Wo-oh, Amber is the colour of your energy"
(I even remember his 311 quickfacts)

Anyway, Amber is definately NOT the colour of my energy
not today at least
it would be something like grey, navy, tiny swirls of red
for dejectedness, zoning out/calm and tiny spurts of anger

Its 8.30 am and I am about to start oiling
the other half of the floors
and then some

I wish I had pants padded in the knee
mine hurt something fierce
and my little fingers are peeling, shiny, cracked
but besides that, I don't mind the job
I quite like admiring my handiwork actually

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