Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Kulturhavn: CPH Last Sunday

I am trying to get a shot of the Kulturhavn poster
but change my mind
"Whats wrong?" asks Taregh
"The background isn't nice" I complain

So he goes and stands behind the poster

Each summer hundreds of free concerts,
exhibits, festivals etc crop up all over

did I say free? you can plan your weekends to them

Kulturhavn sports all sorts of dances,
concerts and exhibits from different cultures

This is the motown jazz band

This is what people do when the sun is out
sunbathe/BBQ/Sleep/read/ in parks
(or any random patch of grass)

No, I am not doing drugs
Double apricot I believe, hookah
thought it would be fun to dress thhe part (;

And then I said goodbye to Marie
and the boys, I hate goodbyes
But I'm really glad I met such great
individuals, who took care of me
and didn't steal my car
or sell me.

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