Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I'm sitting here in the family study
staring out at the view over Cardiff Bay
it is mesmerising and I am stumped

You see, when I am one floor down
in the evenings, soaking myself in near singeing water
I think of so many points to blog
but lack the motivation to come all the way up
and type

Oh well.

I can feel fatness creeping up on me
I don't see it when I look at my naked self in the
mirror yet, but oh boy can I feel it coming on

I guess I could very well blame it
on the fact that my back is still hurt
and I have no choice but too mooch about the house
watch food network and snack throughout

maybe a tiny evening walk
where I scrutinise the ivy creeping on headstones
in the church yard
and shake my head at the incline, passing it by

Just my good(bad) luck that my room is the only one
on the ground floor, beside the kitchen
and the family sleeps 2 floors up

this means that if I would at anytime (say 4 am)
have a hankering to throw myself out of bed
and prepare a four course meal, I could.

Not healthy I tell you. Not healthy.
Somemore here also they got wine.
Then every night they open and pour for you
they ask your preference somemore!


Julsgp said...

dont worry ja... you'll be fine :) u da women!

Eaglet said...

I hope so!