Friday, August 04, 2006

La Fee Verte

Yes, The Green Fairy
so popular with those romantic Parisian artists and writers
of the 19th and early 20th century

Banned in certain countries for its high alcohol content and
halluccinogenic properties

*At this point I'd like to point out that there is no evidence proving
it more dangerous than ordinary alcohol

MTP and I had a great day out in Tivoli yesterday
I wanted to see it through her eyes
and enjoyed it more that way
We've been getting along better, seeing as
I have 4 more days here, we're both making extra effort
we may even miss each other =(

Thoroughly pooped after dinner, we skipped
more rides and supper and headed homeways
"I'm going to crash" I tell her
I have not slept a full night in a week and a half
"Oh you don't want a drink?" she says

Then I remember our conversation about absinthe
I found out that MTP has a stash
a where better to try it than at home?

A sturdy glass, an absinth(e) spoon across the top
a sugar cube
a measure of absinth over it, dousing the cube
set the cube alight, let the sugar caramelise
drop it into your absinthe, crush
add a measure of water, drink turns cloudy

Its a strange calming, numbing sensation
floaty, happy, light as a fairy
We have one, I suggest another,
then we run barefoot into the garden
looking for bats

I tumble into bed
sleep one of the deepest, most restorative slumbers ever
that is, until mom wakes me at 7.30 am

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absinthe! That is soooo cool! It's rare and quite expensive I hear. And the original formula for the stuff is supposed to be lost in the mists of time. The modern versions are recreations. No one's sure how close it is to the real thing.