Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More Days in London-town

I am up at 7.
By 9, I creep into the kitchen, wrapped in my cashmere scarf
Make myself tomyam maggi mee,
something I always need after a drunken night.

Always spicy soup to cut through toxic alcohol first,
then after that coffee, then throughout the day fortifying food,
yoghurt, fruit, huge platters of meat, veg, rice.
Food to make me grow big and strong.
Like Milo.

Its asthough the alcohol weakens me,
tarnishing my insides and I have to eat to cleanse.
I eat.

Vanessa wakes, I make her maggi mee.
Then we laugh and laugh at last night’s antics.
‘Babe?Where’s my poilane bread?'
I find my precious cheese, the bread is nowhere to be found.

She starts laughing.

I handed her the plastic bag last night,
ordered her to empty it so I could puke,
She needed to puke too then,
and took my precious bread out of its plastic bag,
and wrapped it in her scarf.

I find it battered, bruised strawberry juices dyeing it red some places.
We sit at the kitchen table, I make coffee.
And while Vanessa draws, I write.

Later, I say goodbye to her at the train station
then go off to meet Peter

What do you get when you have
3 scotsmen who haven't seen each other for months
meet up in a pub?
You get a magazine, cos you can't understand
a word they're speaking.

We have a good time, Pete's and I
then I am off to a stupendous chinese dinner
at my aunt's, with my other cousin and her husband

The next night, I accompany Mayleen to a friend's wedding
(the bride is off her face)
then meet Heiko for a bit (german guy, you girls remember him?)

this is what I love, meeting up with people
you met in a completely different country
had no plan to ever meet up elsewhere
but somehow planets align and things fall into place

We go back home, and then fueled by my darling
cousin's praise for my maggi mee,
she and I cooked for this lot.

3 am. Pack a bit, bundle up in duvet
Sleep, wake, pack somemore, panic
new family, new life, all so quick
Cardiff, Wales.

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