Tuesday, June 20, 2006


That Guest Blogger got bold indeed
she's very enthusiastic isn't she?

Despite the early 'wah so much pressure' bullshit.
Then she rambles of in her
And once she starts, she doesn't stop
na-uh, even in real life

I mean if you ever thought you could not get tired just listening
well, she'll prove you wrong innit?

This girl will speak to herself if you ignore her
in a room
because she knows, that no matter what
if you're in the same room
you can't help but listen

And she types exactly as she speaks
which is basically non-stop la, in fact,
I am actually surprised that there are spaces between the words

She's got it all right too
exactly where I'd nod my head
which sentence I'd laugh at, what I am thinking
and yes, 12 'No s' at the start of that Usher song that we so love

And here I am, half the world away
thinking I was safe, that here, I'd actually find silence
but evidently, I was wrong
she haunts me still
like a white ant infestation
like Pringles


Anonymous said...

Oh sweet ghandi in a medicine cabinet....that post... not to be mean, but I couldn't plow through it all. I had to stop. Gee... and you say she's like that in real life? Wahhh... *foams at mouth and collapses*

Eaglet said...

Hahahaha she's worse!
Imagine four days straight in a room with her.It is a test of true self control.

Anonymous said...

You're in it for the sex aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Bard .. i am NOT, that bad!!! Aja lurrves me for that .. hehe I am just more verbally inclined than the other girlfriends.. there are days when they take the lead too ;) It really is a noise pollution when we are together .. can you imagine us playing taboo? I so miss that too.

Anonymous said...

*looks down at shoes*

I'm sowwy.