Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Day At The Bay

If we’re at the beach (as we are now), Mayleen asks me
“Am I brown yet?” every 5 minutes.

Then later when we’re washed, dried and pressed in the evenings,
she’ll hold her pink to my biscuit brown and say
“Look, I’m the same colour!”

I’ll nod and play along, agreeing with her (no drama)

Today though, when she came out from the sun,
I said “Yes, you’re brown” before she even asked.
Then she shows me the back of her thighs
Like Bak Kwah okay!

Damn burnt.
“That’s gonna hurt” I tell her,
wondering if I’ll be subjected to whining in the near future
(she's ppretty good though)

Then I change the subject and turn to Nat , who’s a little way down the beach.
“Eh! One coffee come!” I shout.
She turns around, flips me the bird and tells me that
Uncle Ray is not having much luck with that order in California either.

Now she’s gone to get me that coffee,
cos I was smart and in anticipation of my coffee order,
I walked to the rocks earlier with ice-cream for her

(Hear that Uncle Ray? Gotta have ammunition)
Or it could just be love la you know?

Today, Emerald Bay is wonderful
Calm, clear waters reflecting blue skies, slight breeze, fine white sand,
gay couple being gaggingly romantic, strolling about hand-in-hand,
matching black, fitted boxer-type-swim-shorts,
picking shells and dusting sand off each others bottoms
Yeah, bitches, rub it in.

I gotta go. Mosquitoes biting my coochie and the coffee is here.
Mayleen and Petes are drinking Shirley Temples,
Can you believe it? Shirley Temples.

Real alcoholics drink vooodka. Ones with a hangover drink coffee.

I am neither. Really.


Meng said...

where is TheJa going to?!?!?
why never tell wan

Shimmers said...

i'm also burnt being in the middle east... i'm now`pink.. just hope i don't peel....

*crossing my fingers*

hate the feeling of actually getting up the day u got to go back.. sucks man

the frou fr0u one said...

aja ng
art thou alive
coz u dun blog
u dun call or text
we dunno where u r

Eaglet said...

Meng-ah! Going to Copenhagen to work for a year tentatively...wanna come Bagan and say goodbye tonight?

Shimmers,I'm not so burnt dee, just look like someone's filipino maid.

Frou: I'm here!I'm here!

Meng said...

alar! saw ur msg too late.
anyway, best wishes for ya and
drink lots of carlsberg yeah?

good luck in denmark!