Monday, May 08, 2006

So I Was Cleaning Out My Shoe Cabinet...

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SaDdNesZ.jc said...

no wonder why it takes girls so long to dress up, even for mamak.

You've got to browse through all that to pick out 1 single pair to wear...

I would need to miss called you like 10 minutes before I reach your house to fetch you.

Eaglet said...

No ler, I have a few favourites, rarelt wear the rest so no need to miss call early!

HumbleAuthor said...

Yikes, don't show me wife, she'll tell me she hasn't got enough...

Anonymous said...

10 mins early is just for the shoes....everything else leh? :P

Aja, I think this qualifies as a fetish.

Anonymous said...

wow, I am glad women are still women, I as well suffer from SFS(shoe fetish syndrom) :D
glad to learn that we are not becoming extinct... pheeewww... with all that oil price increases and signs of inflation and wow... tot it might affect our growth.. ;)

H.C. Tan said...

wow.RESPECT! are all those urs?..i hv only 5 pairs of shoes. 2pairs of Nike, 1 pair of boots, 2 pairs of heels.which I already consider a big investment for r u going to bring everything over?? u remind me of Becky Bloomwood(shopaholic). hehe

Eaglet said...


Yes they are all mine. Most are hardly worn.

Erm isn't it normal for girls to have a thing for shoes? (=

Bard, it takes me about 15 mins to get ready for anywhere. That's not much .

And no, I don't think i'll be taking them all over, someone will have to GUARD them. The thing is, none of my friends have size 10-11 feet..

Anonymous said...

Wow you have big feet. Either that or girl sizes are different. (I don't know these things, ok?)

And that's a good thing that nobody has same feet size as you...nobody will wear them and stink them up/step in poos/kick puppies/etc.