Friday, May 05, 2006

What Are They Gonna Do, Fire Me?

I swear, that line keeps playing in my head
thanks J3
emboldens me

Today I waltzed into the office at 10am

pottered about it the pantry
made my coffee
eat my muesli
head a little fuzzy (call it quasi-hangoverededness)

*woot*woot* 8 days to go!!

It's amazing, I came home and blogged at 2 am
but never mentioned I had been out drinking
we were supposed to play Taboo but
ended up playing all these drinking games instead

the young uns soon left the aunt and uncle
who were lolling on the couch singing to no one in particular

I am proud to say that I've finally mastered (not quite judging from today)
the art of
playing that two-people-hand game thing
always wondered what it was
ping pong piang
fuzzy duck ducky fuzz

brain functioning not so well
over and out.


Anonymous said...

just so u know, i worked til 7pm my last day of work and walked out without so much as a 'thank you, goodbye' from my workmates.

im chicken shit. ur my new hero. :D

paradoxx said...

i never got to attend my last day of work.. instead spent the whole day being squeez'd by the cops... real pleasant day i tell you..!

Eaglet said...

Hah!I'll probably leave earlier on my last day (= but who knows? We'll see what it's like when we get there. Think it'll be preety uneventful..

Para: Story lah properly!

paradoxx said...
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paradoxx said...

too long to story la..

read this instead..