Friday, January 27, 2006


While we were girly-dinner-ing the other day
someone asked me
why I didn't blog the somewhat significant something
that happened on NY Eve

I guess I subconciously blocked it out.

lemme me just close my eyes
and teleport back to D day

Ana and I are sitting on the
tiger print couch talking about what we did the NY eve before
it's her turn and our eyes meet and
widen when we remember.
you see, last NY Eve Ana kissed the doctor
woman. Doctor woman.

erm, yeah.

SO anyways the moment I realise that
I see Ana's eyes light up
she's telling me you're next
and I'm saying don't you even think about it

and spend the rest of the night dancing nimbly
out of her reach
Aja Ng doesn't do girls
not in the slightest way

Clock strikes midnight
we are pleasantly tipsy
on vodka, whisky and Moet

I realised I haven't been kissed
in god knows how long
and think won't be kissed for god knows how long

Ana is my only chance for a kiss

'Ana lets kiss,' sez I
she hesitates, not

We kiss
I spring back
suddenly I am jolted awake
reminded why Aja Ng doesn't do girls

sorry, taufoo ain't my thing okay
actually neither is it Ana's thing, she just more
adventurous than I

Or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i cant believe u blog this!!!!!!