Friday, January 06, 2006

And So..

I am walking through the al fresco area
of Gurney Plaza
it is 9.30 pm and I have my 'infamous' (as Mr. Joseph calls it) blanket
tucked surreptitiously under my arm

Then I bump into Webbie Dong
"Hi!" I greet enthusiastically
She eyes my blanket
and before
she can finish saying
"Aja, you're not going to watch a movie alone again are you?"
I cut her off with
"I've got friends!"

She looks around me, eyes searching for more.
"I have no food on me, I already ate!"

my reputation precedes me.


sic6sense said...

funny, how people cant differentiate being alone from loneliness.

Eaglet said...

Some people can some cant. Same as with most issues in life. I can be alone and completely happy at one time, within a group yet completely lonely at others.