Friday, January 06, 2006

Broken Flower

Have you ever watched a movie
where as it ends abruptly and
the credits roll
you just sit there completely utterly
then burst into hysterical laugher
because you cannot fathom how
any one on earth could have made such
an incredibly pointless, slow, mind-numbingly bad movie?

Well, obviously I have.

Did I miss something?Thought I.
But to even attempt to analyse it
I'm still blown away by how bad it was.

People, do not go.
I repeat, do not go.
Bill Murray, Sharon Stone, Chloe Sevigny
my rump (of shall I say hump?)!!

They bluff you one!
I mean they're acting la

The reviews, they lie!
just don't go.

Unless you're an amorous couple
who just need any excuse know...
"It was so boring we had no choice but to make out!"


Anonymous said...

Would you like to go for a movie with us again? *grin*

Eaglet said...

Only if I get to pick!

Rand0m said...

This is why Jobe and me wanted to watch "A Chinese Tall Story".

Not that we knew it was gonna be that bad and all....

Anonymous said...

Contact is the dumbest movie I've ever seen! Even the vcd seller, a few years ago, was hesitent in selling it to me.