Friday, January 06, 2006

My Men & I

when my headphones are in and my music blasts real loud
I forget that I work
alone in the office with 4 men
of varying
ages and personalities

But other times
when my headphones are stolen
I am cringingly reminded of their presence
like now
when they are chattering on about
"Ian's bungholio fuzz"

Today I came jauntily in from buying lunch
and stopped in my tracks
to find the four staring at me, at the door
stern, serious looks upon their faces
it figures, hard disk failure
or some man-shit like that
not my fault

once in awhile
the attention of 4 men
can be uncomfortable

like 5 minutes ago, when gayle sauntered in an exclaimed
"Babe, you're wearing a bra!"
for no apparent reason
Attention turns towards my chest
"Thank you Gayle, thank you very much."

Langkawi, next week, 5 days
just me and these men


Unknown said...

Yeah, the attention of four men would make me uncomfortable too. Extremely.

Eaglet said...

Hahahahaha last I recall you had the attention of three lovely ladies and were more than comfortable. But the key word being ladies.
Not that I would enjoy the attention of ladies.Bah.

Sharizal said...

i cud always come by and save u from these men... ;)

Meng said...

oooh! langkawi eh? i just got back. still as laid back as ever. dirtier roads, sigh.

Eaglet said...

Sharizal: What to do, it's work la. Its okay, I get to boss them around.

Meng: Yeah I heard you went!Hope you had fun..