Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Nama Saya Bunga

Other titles for this post could work
like "I Am A Drunkard", "She's Only Happy in the Sun"
or "Liquid Lunch"

but I guess the chosen one works
for those in the know and to be slightly cryptic

Last night, while I was tucked into Henry
thoroughly engrossed in NipTuck 3
a FMP dropped a CD by
for my listening pleasure it seems

So this morning I pop it in the deck
barely managing to fit in 2 songs
before I got to work

Lunch time.
I'm driving home
when one of my absolute all-time favorites plays
Ben Harper's
She's Only Happy in the Sun
So I call
" Wei, you know this song?Did you get it all on your own
or is it influenced by moi?"

No, sez he. It was all him.

"wow" says I
damn favorite.

So then he asks where I am going

"Home. For lunch."

"Oh?what's lunch?"

I'm really not hungry at all, thanks to a huge mother of a
dimsum brunch, but I rattle off my normal lunch
"Sandwich or salad..see lah"

"You can make a good sandwich meh?" oozing doubt

Kanneh. Damn rude right?

"Of course!" I exclaim
who got you into food in the first place?Huh?

So then you know what he says?
"Make me a sandwich, I'm coming over and I don't mind mayo."

and I am left sputtering, first they give me a skeptical
'can you make a good sandwich?'
then they invite themselves for lunch and have
the cheek to tell me that they don't mind mayo?

So I go home, I make 2 sandwiches
in case I get hungry
He arrives, chilled Argentinian Chardonnay Semillon in hand
I start to feel a bit more forgiving

"Wine?It's lunch time!"

"Yeah, we're celebrating culture. Not our's, but the French, Italians, Spanish.." says he
uncorking like a pro

First bite. "Mmm.."
Second bite. "This is damn good."

"Well, how could you have expected any less?" says she

We talk food
we gossip
he dissects the sandwich
two mustards, japanese mayo, rocket, arugula, rucola
"What did you do with the onions?"

"I was too lazy to saute so I microwaved in olive oil" I say

"Lazy bitch."

The thing about being chinese
(half or otherwise)
is when you drink, you get as rosy as
well a rose, really
can you tell I've been drinking? CAN YOU?

So anyways, I stride briskly into the office
quarter to 3
No one will notice, I tell myself
I sit down

Stephen walks in
"Why are you so sunburnt?What have you been doing?"
before I can heave a sigh of relief
he says "Hang on, you're not sunburnt, youre rosy!"

"Yes, Boss, I've been drinking. Business lunch."


Anonymous said...

hahahah...omg...i do the 'microwave olive oil' too.
Done it with onions n mushrooms.
For my sandwiches.

Eaglet said...

lazy mah. somemore lunchtime go back one hour where got time to saute?
all these bloody metros nowadays, so picky!

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

uh, whats a rocket doing in ur sandwich?

...i guess u can figure im not of the cuisine connoiseur type...but still...rocket? wha dat?

Eaglet said...

Rocket is a herb/salad green la dei, I've been talking about it for months!