Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What Would I Do Without The Girls?

Today was hectic,hectic,hectic!
An array of family problems cropped up (and then some...)
Amongst which was the fact that my dear mother forgot to get my sister at school.
I was screaming on the phone to various people
Then had to leave May and Cel at lunch to get my sis
They decided to come with me, so there we were the 3 of us, running the length of 2 football fields, across the dusty carpark to my car.
Celyn all heels and skirt in office-lawyer mode,
May looking breezy in low-down mode,
Me, all semi island-office mode,
Traipsing high-speed in panic mode.
Had it not been so dire, we would have collapsed laughing (and from the sun and speed)
Thank you darlings for being there for me, I love you guys.
yes yes, and you too Gayle.


Gaylebait said...

Who was there to buy you Panadol menstrual when you were being a total crampy bitch? ME

Who was there to open the door for you when you forgot to bring your security swipe card? ME

Who was there to toss you an unending supply of jelly sticks from her drawer? ME

Who was there to wipe the snot from your nose when you were unwell? well, okay, not me... i don't love you THAT much

Gaylebait said...

okay I do

Gaylebait said...

no i don't

Gaylebait said...

i do

Gaylebait said...

*i'm just soooo happppiiiii*