Sunday, March 20, 2005

Parading in Pudu

So there I am, a rainy Sunday afternoon in Puduraya Station.
None of my friends ever do Pudu, its always NICE buses for them(if they have no driver),
its only me, the quasi/hippie backpacker chick who will attempt to travel alone from the godawful (-shudder-) Pudu Station.
Can you imagine?
The smell is overbearing, all around me. Dirty old men looking up at me, amputees hobbling around flaunting their missing limbs and begging bowls, scarf covered, tiny malay girls scurrying here and there, Chinamen jostling for space.Little kids with those mother-fucking annoying roller-sneakers falling all over the fucking place.
And me,hungover,one-hour of sleep the night before,trying hard not to breathe in with my nose, smack in the middle of this hysteria, in my pointy leather shoes and Pink LV sling bag. I had to laugh at myself, it was incredibly funny.
When I finally did get a bus seat, into the seat next to me scrambled a ham-faced chinaman. I want to tell you about his mustache: Thin, sparse, scraggly, but the thing that got me most was that each and every hair were of different lenghts, from 1-3 inches in difference!Why oh why would anyone want to do that to themselves?Don't the little longer bits over your lips get in the way when you eat?Don't they tickle and make you sneeze like a bitch?
Thankfully, no attempt to converse was made. Until he fell asleep;which was when the little yelping noises started. He would be deeply,deeply asleep then start yelping like a lost puppy.Then came the twitching.( * aja rolls eyes)
I tried to sleep.But the bus driver drove like he was possessed and that worried me.
When Mustachioed Uncle lifted both arms and out his hands behind his head, the stench caused me to pass-out, and thus pass through the rest of the journey, unconcious.
I woke up in Butterworth. The whole bus was panicking because we were supposed to be going to Penang! Turns out, they were just dropping people of and continuing on.I could take it no more, so I hopped on the ferry instead.
Ah the sweet sea breeze of home!

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