Monday, March 07, 2005

The day she stopped loving me...

So its official. She doesn't love me anymore. My close friend and colleague has strayed. She now prefers her lover to me. I encouraged and now they've gone official.And where does that leave me, but here, alone, loveless, friendless.

Not only does she spend her every waking moment with her, but even in the office, they are calling,emailing, msn-ing.and I,
am ignored.

Oh woe is me!
Gone are the days chock-a-block with laughter
the days where we used to sing and act ridiculous after
She's gone gay, and hell someday I even may

why oh why can't she see?
now she's gone.... and its just
There Gayle, I wrote you and ode. You happy now, does that prove my absolute and utter devotion?
Oh screw this shite, I am outta here.


Anonymous said...

Closet Rug Muncher!


Anonymous said...

Hello. Girl - I have enough discrimination as it is...leave me alone!!! It's not MY fault Gayle is so bloody vulnerable duh...Threesome someday? HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAA!! BTW, Gayle's bi, not gay...aiyoh what the hell am I doing at work???

Anonymous said...

Everyday I sit and ponder,
Of the 2 that sit behind me yonder,
Biatching and squealing and giggling,
I make no sense of thier PMS-ing,
But life has got a little more cheery,
Since these 2 plopped in to theory,
So if I ignore you 2, please understand...
I am not angry, I just don't wanna be dammned.