Thursday, March 24, 2005

A Pleasant Encounter

Aja hates.....most of the service industry here.
Fucking smile for god's sake.
It is your job to grit your teeth and bloody well smile even if I ask you to scrape green gunky shit off my toenails with your teeth.
Be nice. This is your goddamn job.
You are supposed to be kind, helpful, polite, gracious and accomodating to me, the guest/customer.
Stop acting like you're doing me a goddamn favor when you're doing what's required of you to keep your fat arse on the payroll.
Come on, someone has to agree with me that the service at hotels, restaurants and shops in this country sucks in a big way.Why? Aren't us Malaysians supposed to be friendly?
If you were the employer, why in hell would you hire terrible staff that pontentially screw your business up?Fuckin Genius.
This brings me to my pleaasant surprise, as I was leaving the Continental Bakery (post below), the girl at the cash register called me back,"Miss, be sure to hold your bag tightly incase someone tries to grab it"
I was blown away (she actually spoke in broken English, which makes it all the more surprising).
Once in awhile, these great little things creep in on your day, but the fact is, should we actually have to be pleasantly surprised at sales people treating us nice?
isn't that how it should be all the time?

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