Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Tribute to Sepet

Not once have I waxed lyrical about a Malaysian film. Sepet has that honour.
In an industry that seems intent and content with producing melodramatic bullshit and carbon copies of Hong Kong Kung Fu, Bollywood 'Tree' Scenes, A Japanese Horror, all rolled in one, SEPET is a breath of fresh air. It is hope. It is something to be proud of.
It captures the very essence and many facets (albeit not all of) our culture, it is a film for us, a malaysian( note, Malaysian, not 'Malay') film to be proud of.
Please go. It will make you smile, laugh and cry.
Originally banned by the film censorship board, it begun screening first in Singapore, and was re-evaluated and allowed after 8 minor cuts. A story of a Chinese boy and Malay in love, but don't worry, it isn't so much a sappy love story, as it is a brilliant portrayal of the different nuances of Malaysian society.
Please go. Its worth it. Once we support the good stuff maybe they'll quit making the shite stuff.
Anyway would I waste my precious time asking you to watch crap.
It is deserving of your time.

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