Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Gripes

I have got "the gripes".
This happens when I have an intense craving for something and cannot find it here.
You see, when you're PMS-ing (yes, finally!, not on the exact date as Gayle, but almost!),
you need to satiate those cravings or you're fucked.
I had major major cravings for a proper,proper chocolate croissant, and when my plans to import from Pangkor Laut Resort fell through, I was desolate.
Ah but god is kind!(especially to nice people)
I went to Giant this morning in search for Kraft Ranch Dressing, to no avail. I became addicted to this shit in Canada, and only found it ONCE here, which makes it even worse because you know its there but eluding you.
So no dressing.I swung by the Continental Bakery for their version on Apple Strudel ( it starts with a layer of rich chocolate cake, topped with creamy vanilla custard, followed by cinnamonny-raisiny apple filling, then wrapped in fillo pastry).
No more Apple Strudel, ever.Discontinued.
I was all ready to throw a proper PBF (prissy-bitch-fit), but there, glistening in the corner of the polished glass display case, a batch of Chocolate Croissants!Woo-Hoo!
It sits in front of me now, at regular intervals, I caress it lovingly with my eyes.I shall wait til tea-time, thats when I'll devour it like the great greedy bitch that I am.


Gaylebait said...

Will you share with your ever-generous, ever-starving, ever-loving colleagues I wonder?

Eaglet said...

You can have some after I chew it for you.....see?I love you that much!

Gaylebait said...

Thanks but I fancy preserving my combined Kat & Gayle DNA without yours intruding on our privacy.