Tuesday, August 30, 2005

In Love!

"...I have learned from the mistakes I made in the past,
and I am not going to repeat them.

I'm never going to take her for granted;

I'm always going to be on time;

I am always going to call if I am running a little late;
I'm always going to make sure that she knows
she comes first above everything else;

I'm always going to keep the romance alive and
never settle for anything less than being totally and utterly in love;

I'm always going to make sure that we really talk
about what's truly on our minds;

and most of all, I'm going to spend the rest of my life
doing everything I can to make sure
she's happy because
I feel like I have a purpose in life when I'm with her...

and well, anyone who's seen a smile like hers,
would know exactly where I am coming from ;o) "

When I read the above, my heart melted
and my legs turned to jelly
there exists hope!

But, had to be my own bloody cousin who wrote that right?


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Eaglet said...

Hang on, didn't know it was Ineternational Web Sales Men day...
WHY? WHY? why have I been kept in the dark all this while?