Tuesday, August 16, 2005

He Says, She Says

I am pottering about in the home of my ex
when I come across this white mini-skirt that
I've been looking for for ages.

Me (jokingly) : I hope you're not having your new girlfriend dress up in my clothes..

He: Oohh... they're a bit loose on her.

The swelling on his head may be from the avocado that I threw at him.


Johnson is now massive
and displaying no signs
of just having had an operation.

"Johnson get off!" I shout
as he pounces on me with his sharp hooves
[my blog, I can call it whatever I want]

" No Johnson, its alright, this one you can attack"
says the ex as he comes up the garden.

Another avocado spatters.


edit: 5.09 pm, Wed, 17th Aug

I just reread the first line of the 2nd part of this post

Johnson? Operation? Bigger?

Tell me its not just me that finds this amusing.


Unknown said...

You demonstrate very well why a safety helmet is an essential male accessory.

By the way, avocado pits contain cyanide, in the form of amygdalin. Maybe it's not a good idea to be throwing them around, huh?

Shimmers said...

fist time reading your blog... and since u said ex...

1- good on ya for throwing avocado to him....

2- since he's your ex.. why on earth are u still hanging out at his place?

forgive me for my ignorance...

Eaglet said...

My ex and I share a dog. Besides that fact, I am on talking terms with (most of) my exes.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?


Anonymous said...

the avocado wasnt thrown at the head on my shoulders...

the evil ex

Eaglet said...

Tiger, what about coconuts?

Anonymous said...

Hiya Aja ;o)

Haven't seen you since you were like 3 feet tall - and boy were you a kid with attitude! Love your Blog - have been reading all the way through it and giggling my ass off ;o) *this one in particular had me and my better half rolling on the floor. Hope I can make it over to Penang sometime next year to see all the family, haven't visited since I was 16 years old. What's your email addy? We should catch up and have a chat on msn messenger sometime....my email is scott_chiesa@hotmail.com