Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Don't tell them I am here ok?

It seems the only way I can get away from them now
the Bee and the Young Man,
(who only seems to be in school part-time )
to reply mails or blog, is through saying that
I am going to pang-sai and disappearing surreptitiously into
the loo with my laptop.


Last night when we got back from the park,
we took the Bee to his first classical concert
Carl Orff's Carmina Burana at the young man's school
Orff's O Fortuna is probably the most famous of all the pieces
the kinda tune you know when you hear, that you've heard before
just never knew the name of

Then we came home and had fish n chips for dinner,
and I observed, as though from a distance, the Bee and I
working together like a well-oiled machine
one feeding the cats, one stacking the dishwasher
one making the veg, one taking the recycling out
one laying the table, the other getting the cutlery;

Sometimes it crosses my mind that in his own way, he
is nearly as anal as I, but I am not completely sure,
so I test him;
I move the table centre-piece an inch off centre
minutes later he subconsciously moves it back in place

NMTP has announce that if I must leave them,
then the Bee must definately stay to replace me.

I am lucky because the Bee, he panders to my anal whim
No Outside Clothes on the Bed? Fine.
No Outside Shoes pass that Unseen Line in the Room? OK
Never, NEVER, NEVER! Drop any pillow, blanket off the bed onto the
carpet? (or they must be washed immediately) yes ma'am!

But while some of him gives in, other parts of him resist
and so I present the list of Pet Peeves:

1) Hello? Must you really fold your half-dirty clothes up?
Why can't you just hang them up like normal people?
Folding is for clean clothes la wei.

Clothes status, clean: FOLD
Clothes status, worn, but not dirty: HANG UP/ Drape across random piece of high furniture
Clothes status, dirty: PUT IN THE LAUNDRY BASKET!

Not very hard to remember right?

2) Shoes must be kept in the same line as the other shoes.
I mean like, doesnt it hurt your eyes, when you look at a straight long line of shoes,
then suddenly! one pair is OUT?

3) And then there is the stirring. When we wake up, I will nudge the Bee
''You go make the coffee!" and he will nudge me back and say
"No, you go!" and we will go on, until one finally relents
the other stays in the room and makes the bed.

But when its his turn to make the coffee, he's so damn noisy!
You know that stirring so the spoon hits the side of the coffee cup
again and again? Ting ting ting ting?

I mean like come on man, the water is piping hot, by the time you pour it in
and give it a little (silent) swirl, the coffee and sugar will dissolve already right?
No need to pretend you're a bell toller calling people to church on a Sunday k?

Its a classic case of "should have just done it myself" (=


Its now 2 hours after I started this post
in the time between Bee and I went to the asian grocery store
where he adopted an asian accent and I smacked him.

When we came home and had lunch, the Young Man
came down and got mightily offended when I said
that when he's home from school supposedly ill , he
tends to eat more (not what people with a fever do)
so he chucked one of the two tubs of Nata de Coco that were in his
hands on the table and stomped up the stairs in a huff.

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