Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Ever notice that its always the people of
a supposed, self-perceived higher class who actually
judge class?

That it always the ones who think they are more intelligent
more cultured, who look down on those that don't have the same
opportunities that they do?

Social-standing and money doesn't change the heart of a person,
doesn't change caring, kindness, dependability, responsibility
doesn't make a better human-being than the next.

I think in this world, it sometimes hard to remember that under it all,
it the heart that matters.

And yet, I still argue with the Bee about first impressions, about presenting
particular social tier with a palatable you.
Its as though you as a person are made up of many different
layers, all accessible, on their own or combined, to a certain social class.

The more versatile, the more accessible to the many layers; you are
the more friends you make, the more you learn, the more people
you reach out too, open your mind and identify with,
the farther you can potentially go

You weed out the bad from what you learn
take the good and apply it on yourself.

And I suppose you can keep wearing different hats, if the heart of you remains true
and perhaps when you have attained your dreams
then you can shed those skins and just be what you want to be,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very well said young aja...very well said...