Its Monday
outside the sun is brilliantin the bright blue sky.yet the day isn't scorching hotfor the breeze blows coolbringing with it..the scent of the oceanand I?I am stuck in the office.Mahai.Congratulations Monday, you've done it again!My work sits staring at mewith its one thousand beady eyesa pile that multiplies by the minutesI in turn, ignore it.
I shall be random today
because I am in a random mood
I need the beach.
desperately so
KL was, as always, fun
but it was as always, draining
Days off are more suitable for recuperating
rather than super-partying
this weekend for sure
when I hit Emerald Bay, I'm gonna kiss the sand.
I alighted the train a few minutes
past midnight, Friday morn
greeted by Vanessa, who then whisked me off
to clear my head at Clear,
the brilliant new chillout place
in Mont Kiara
co-owned by this cute guy

Sorry, no pictures
didnt want to appear like
a real kampung girl
my first time there..
We then went to the birthday boy's
where we drank wine and took kooky pics
and admired treasured paintings
by the very talented Miss Vanessa
We woke up bright and early
to lunch at BonBon
which is always good
I'll admit, I got a tad too enthusiatic
about the rocket/arugula
I guess it was evident in the way Jin Wei said
"Wow I've never seen anyone so excited about rocket before"
damn *shy*
By the way for you people in the dark about rocket
by rocket I don't mean that thing that cannons into outer space
rocket is a peppery salad green/herb
my favorite.
Its one of those classic greens with an identity crisis
cos so many people call it by different names
Rocket, Arugula, Rucola, Roquette...
Poorthing surely confused one.
Like cilantro/coriander
I super don't like that one though.

I know its rude to talk about shit and food at the same timebut let me just ramble off tangent(i did say i was in a random mood)The other day my friend went to the office toiletto fart and peelemma see-seeshe also needed to shitbut because she hadnt counted on it
and hadnt laid the tissue paper down on the seatshe had to shit half crouched over the bowland missed!hahahaahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahah!
Have you ever had one of those shits that no matter
how much you wipe and wash after
still got chebibblets left
and it takes ten toilet paper wipes to get spotless?
fucking annoying when you're pressed for time.
This morning I came into the office
very fucking late
but I dont care
I've been telling my bosses they need to hire more people
but they dowanna listen so I'm rebelling
So anyways I'm sitting down
feeling this need for Tenacious D
and when I play it
I start to think of Gayle
"Aaron, do you ever miss Gayle?" I ask
"Yeah I do," he says, no hesitation
I pause.."Do you think she misses us?"
Yesterday someone sms-ed me
" I've been looking at the pictures of your soba noodles again,
looks so good, please will you make for me?"
so how could I resist such a polite request?
Somemore its damn easy to make
So I'm making this 
and I'm extending an invite
just so you can't say that I didn't offer
so if you want some, you better let me know.
The other day
a pretty cute guy tried to speak to me
and I, as usual, fucking froze.
Damn annoying ok, when I dunno what to say
my friends will say that I'm not shy
but that's because they know me
but people I don't know
shy like fuck.
which brings me back to a post a few months back
about me not being able to talk on the phone
kanneh real life also cannot
"Why don't you ever talk much,
why do you look like there's so much on your mind?"
Most times, I do have a lot on my mind
other times I'm just too damn shy
I mean what am I supposed to say?
you're supposed to ask me questions
initiate conversation, draw me out of my shell
I mean if you really wanted to get to know me,
you'd make the effort right?
Besides, I've always been more articulate in
my writing than I am in my speech.
So,I got to Pudu at 5 yesterday evening
only to find the next available 'can stomach' type of bus
was at 6. that meant an hour in the hellhole that is Pudu
I must say though, they have spruced it up a bit
better lighting..erm and cleaner floors
the heat and stench of carbon monoxide remains
as overwhelming as it always was.
"Bas ke Penang mana bang?"
I ask the guy..
He looks me up and down, and gestures away from the platform
"Pasti ke ni Penang?" I ask worriedly when I see the bus on the other side
"Ye, sayang..." he says, leading me up the bus,
then chasing some guy of the last single seat
forcing him to sit next to someone so that I didn't have to
damn nice right?
and though I was tired to bone
I didn't sleep, I can never sleep in moving vehicles
dunno why, just stare out of the window
I guess I feel like I miss out on too much if I sleep.
and because I couldnt sleep
I had a 4 hour initiation into the world of anime
this guy sitting in front of me had his laptop
and watched it throughout the trip
and even though I didn't want to watch it
ones eyes can't help but be drawn to the only light in the
darkness of the bus cabin
I wanted to tap him on the shoulder
and say "Excuse me sir, since you're subjecting the rest of us to the glow of your
screen, can we vote for a movie?'
Ohhhhh ohhh ohhhh!
erm. Pangkor laut, I have a free RM1K dinner to redeem.
I get to take a person
preferbly male cos they may wanna take pictures
of a " Private BBQ over the Sea"
any takers?