Thursday, October 27, 2005


Ahhh at last I got the pics from the weekend up
but you must scroll
down down down
past the emo 6 something in the morning post,
til you encounter a title like so
"Stevo Turns Kong-Kong"
that be where the weekend pictures begin.

I do so apologise for the unkempt appearence
of this here blog
over the few days past
Blogger has been a PMS-ey bitch
and hey! So have I.

No posting pictures
no editing
not formatting
all that bitchy bullshit.
Thank god it's over.

I would so love to write more,
but I am busy trying to finish work
so that I don't have to work
when I leave for my fantastic and much-needed
island holiday tomorrow eve

Before I go,
I would like you to know that
my eye hurts
just one
the one on the left
my left
it would be on your right though

it could hurt because
there is a sore being born
or it could hurt because I have been staring at the computer screen
non-stop for up to 24 hours at a time

I think the latter

But why only one side?


mob1900 said...

it's called 'staring-at-the-monitor-for-too-long' syndrome like you wrote, you n00b. lolx

just the little vein above your eye is having some difficulty 'relaxing' after being tense. ask the Pharmicist for 'Synflex'~ Naproxen sodium. it's only garam in form of tablets.

been watching HOUSE M.D.=)
noler, i had the same 'twitch' before, tot it was migraine but the cun pharmicist knocked me out of my desperation and prescribed me that. and no, didn't get her number...

Eaglet said...

Wah!! I'm totally addicted to House. Getting into the 2nd season. But finding it a bit offputting cos I normally watch my DVDs during mealtimes..

that chick be hot eh?the one into House..

mob1900 said...

actually i like the Chief Admin Milf! Lisa Edelstein, she's hot in those office power-suits with revealing hints of lingerie underneath. my childhood fantasy.

plus don't forget the Latina masseuses in one of the episodes.