Friday, October 07, 2005

Such A Nice Day!

So I stood on the pavement and took pictures,
smiling up at the blue sky, turning around and smiling to myself
of course people thought I was crazy
who cares?


mob1900 said...

Can't decide between Carlsberg or Twisties... it's a close one.

ming said...

i do that all the time..the smiling to myself bit....

Anonymous said...

I'm going for the photostat 3cents.

Eaglet said...

Ming! 30 day journey huh? Glad someone shares it with me (the smiling) have to apprciate these things la. Do me a piece! Its my birthday...pretty please (=

Mob: I like aint my think.

Des: Didnt realise we were voting! I'm going for kway teow then