Friday, October 07, 2005


If the Kway Teow so good then how come she can take a break?


Anonymous said...

Damn that lady!!! She gives Ian twice as many prawns as the rest of us.

Sharizal said...

where is this freaking good kueh tiaoooo???

mob1900 said...

my friend discovered a 'curly' strain of hair in his kuey-teow, we look at the cook... her hair wasn't curly...

he puked at the nearest longkang!

because we noticed she was scratching a certain part of her anatomy while preparing the kuey-teows... we had glorious laughter for the next couple of months.

and don't worry, it wasn't Her. ;P

Anonymous said...

Why is this turning me on?

Eaglet said...

Shah: This good kway teow is in pulau tikus! But I know another one that gooder...

Mob: I am sooo disregarding this hair bizness....denial...

Des: *shakes head slowly from side to side

Adrian: Hey thanks so much! Carmei smsed to say the same as well (= Will see you guys when you get back ya?hope things are good.

Sharizal said...

so wheres the other place?

Eaglet said...

the gooder one cannot tell you.....secret

Sharizal said...

cheh tell la pleeassee :)

Gaylebait said...

Ian gets more prawns cos the ladies in the shop say he is HAMSOM. So he get more prawn, got more LAT.