Friday, October 07, 2005


For some reason I woke up this morning
and thought today was my birthday
but it is...

It will be for the whole weekend

May was telling me yesterday
that because it's our birthday thingee
we have to buy bottles
and I'm like
"where got like that one? It's our birthdays worr"

You understand, its not that I am being stingy,
It's just that I've never spent a cent when out on my birthday before
(and when out on my birthday, I"ve always been a cheap date,
1 o'clock, toeeeeeeeee)

But, apparently, this is tradition (sez May, tone omnious)
Its some obscure chinese ritual that I happened to miss out on for 22 years
(lucky me)
if you decide to throw a party its different
but if you invite people to sama sama go and drink
stare at the hot black(oops African-American) chicks arse
as she wiggles in a short skirt that barely covers her cheeks
(and she aint wearing it on her head)

Oh whatever
anyway...what was meant to be a quiet gathering
has now become a full-blown guest listy party thing
complete with friendship politics
and stress
bucketfuls of it
my hair is falling out.

I dowan all this tension la
scared here scared there
cannot invite this person because that person will balk
so I made it down one quarter of my list
then I said screw this shite
I'm not inviting anyone
It'll just be your good luck and no fault of mine
if you turn up

Hello? Cash terms ah this year, tell you first
cash and apples
and by apples I mean both the fruit and the technology

Now I gotta ignore my work (cos it's my birthday)
and fill in some meme that I got tagged with.


Unknown said...

Hah, I was wondering how you'd deal with your birthday falling on a Monday.

Eaglet said...

good idea no?Use the whole weekend!