Sunday, February 11, 2007

Pressing Thoughts

The Sunday ritual is that though I am off,
I do the ironing.

So it was today, as I pressed the clothes,
smell of roast beef and goosefat
wafting from the kitchen,
from my laptop, Lovage does Strokerace.

And while I pressed the clothes,
pressing thoughts, random as they are

(a) Global warming.

Like the average young person, I catch snippets of the deteriorating
state of our planet,
and like many a person out there, I blink once or
twice, and shrug the news off, move on to the next headline
but lately, I've been hearing it too much,
on the news, on Oprah, from Al Gore
what little I know is already terrifying.

Do something.

(b) Shamanism.

My little conversation with the shaman last week
has me pondering things, life

For instance, we discussed how one's problems in this life
was created and left unresolved in a past life,
thus, by accessing the spirit and the root of the problem
in your past life, you can solve it in this one.

To attain your goals, you have to recognise and get over these
problems that hold you back
serious or trivial, only when you shed yourself
of them can you achieve your full potential.

Its an interesting thought that shouldn't just apply there
its about closure isn't it?

(c) Grieving.

Do we grieve enough, mistakes made, things lost?
I think for most of who don't embrace depression
when a significant loss occurs in our lives
we tend to put our heads up, plod ahead
without grieving, without allowing ourselves that weakness
and we only realise much later that it holds us back in so much
that we do.

Its okay to cry, be angry, be made a fool of.

Erm thats all.

Quite random right?
I mean I have other things to do, like answer Kevin's email, my aunt's email
Szuf's email and uh..other people also

but here I am worrying whether the plastic that we use
is petroleum based, about my carbon footprints
wondering the effects the cooling of the Gulf Stream
wondering whether we do anywhere near enough
in Asia to help
wondering if I have grieved
wondering about past lives
wondering if I still feel the same about certain things,
if I will

I mean surely it worries you too? What becomes
of our planet, what will it take
for you to sit up and notice?

Similarly, your life, your relationship,
the world you live in,
when things go wrong, when do you
get in there, get your hands muddied,
and actively, physically solve things?

What will it take for you to help before its too late?

Somethings you can't shrug off for too long,
by then it'll be beyond repair, lost.

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