Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Thought

Sometimes the eyes reveal
what the heart and mind tries so hard to conceal


Unknown said...

Nobody believes me when I say this.

Anonymous said...

Dang! My burp does the same thing.

Eaglet said...

Why wouldnt they believe it?Strange.But its probably a scary thought, that you may do your utmost to deny certain things but one look could undo it all. Provided both parties acknowledge it la.

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

Its not just sometimes. The eyes usually say a lot about someone.

I think i got a fetish for the eyes...but i believe most guys do too.


Eaglet said...

I don't get stoned, so I don't know lah!
Jobe?Fetish as in you eat eyes?? (=

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

uhm...the other context of fetish...as in i find them to be the most defining part of a woman :P

but fish eyes are tasty too no?