Saturday, November 12, 2005

Drunken Wednesday

The other day, in conjuction with Le Gout Du Jour
at Alliance Francaise
I invited the Pole to go with me
for the company, but mainly as ang moh kau buffer

"Oh do we have to see all these white people?" he jested
pretending he's chinese la
which he pretty much is.

We had a merry time, we did
imagine 3 kirs
1 reisling
1 rose
1 bordeaux
and 1 delightful sauternes
and hors d ouvres
for RM25

fucking bargain.

we sat and tasted our wine
I turned my nose up at kirs, as opposed to kir royales
but drank it anyways
the kirs were actually a welcome drink
but hey, when shy
send the white man in, they never get questioned
("You go get more drinks, you're white!")
which well and truly sucks for us(in our own country!)

I got so drunk, I slipped in the bathroom
and bruised myself in 5 strategic spots
and promptly came home and passed out
it gets uglier everyday, I swear

But anyways this gastronomique thing lasts a week
so tommorow I take maman and Cheryl
to the View for a 5 course french meal
to celebrate mums something something birthday
like the good daughter that I am.


Sharizal said...

je ne sais pas que tu parles francais aja

Eaglet said...

The View is the french restaurant in the Equatorial hotel, one of the few french restaurants here.Next time I call you Ok?

Eaglet said...

Sharizal: oui, je parle un peu du Français..

Sharizal said...
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Sharizal said...

wahh une sociéte de francophonie! cool!