Saturday, February 09, 2008

Set Aside

Its funny how I wake up and its instant
I am thinking about the last 6 days,
how I woke up just so excited that I was going to see him
and how he didn't even care as he yanked it from under me.

That's just cruel isn't it?When you take advantage

of someone's love for you, toy with it.

Six days ago, I woke up with this lightness in my heart
then after I repeatedly text and called(and he ignored)
he finally told me he was angry with me for not texting him
while I was out, and that he didn't want to speak to me
then he never called or text me again.

And this is how I've been dumped.

I don't know how they do it in other countries,
but the way that was done was a coward's way out,
not even the decency to speak to me
give me even an inkling of what was to come,
to defend myself.

When you break up with someone, its never easy,
but you always need to at least have that decency to talk it out,
to say it outright, to tie up lose ends and give the person you're

breaking up with, closure.
To leave a person hanging is downright cruel.

I still find it hard to believe
that I fell in love with this person.
And yet when I analyse it, I know there is good in him
otherwise he wouldn't have done certain things, but
to do this, then there's definately bad too,

its a matter of which outweighs which

I kick myself for making him excuses, maybe this, maybe that
is there an excuse for just leaving, with hardly an explanation?

Surely the person I fell in love with was more humane
better mannered, more decent? Because I could have never
have fallen in love with someone so crude and unkind.

Or maybe it has become passable to say nothing, just stop
calling, never have to have that horrible conversation
where you tell someone "its not working for me anymore"
or "I don't love you" surely people can't behave this way
and actually live with themselves each day? Actually get to sleep at night,
or go about in the morning feeling good about themselves?

Don't we all have some built-in, inner voice that tells us
what is right or wrong to do? Or maybe its just rotten character, cowardice.
Best I found out now than in a situation where my life hung in balance.

I guess where there isn't common decency, there might be karma.


Anonymous said...

Honour is a rare trait nowadays unfortunately, because of the way assholes are rewarded and good guys finish last in this race called life. Sometimes it takes a little bit more to do the right thing, and many guys no longer bother because little good comes out of it.

Anonymous said...

I ask myself this question everyday... for the past four months since he just stopped talking to me like dat... over something REALLY stupid.

And yea, i believe i loved a better person, nicer person... or else i wouldnt fall for him right?!!

but yet...he does this. how can he sleep at night?!! I ask the same questions as you and I still ask myself till this day.

know you're not alone babe. sorry i wasnt around when this happened.